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Easy Gardening for Seniors

What’s the best thing about springtime? Although some people might point to the warmer weather, the increase in daylight, the delicious produce, the festivities surrounding Easter, or perhaps even the general attitude of rejuvenation and regrowth, many will undoubtedly say the flowers. Whether you prefer cheery tulips, elegant cherry blossoms, or sprightly crocuses, spring certainly isn’t lacking when it comes to beautiful blooms. If you want to get in on the action, we’ve got some advice. Our useful tips can help ensure easy gardening for seniors.

Gaining a Green Thumb in Your Sunset Years

Ready to get your hands dirty? Let’s dig in!

Use pots or raised garden beds.

Gardening can be tough on the joints as it typically requires a lot of bending and kneeling. To avoid this, bring the garden to you! Focus on gardening in pots or raised garden beds. It will be easier to plant, weed, and care for your plants if they’re at a comfortable height.

Purchase a few handy tools.

If you’re gung-ho about gardening, consider investing in some tools that will make the hobby a little easier. These include lightweight shovels, forks, spades, and pruning shears with comfortable grips. Avoid thin plastic, which is prone to breaking, in favor of lightweight metal, rubber, or wood. And if you do plan to garden outside on the ground, be sure to invest in a kneeling pad to protect your knees!

Choose low-maintenance plants.

While this depends on the person, of course, many seniors who wish to try gardening are looking for a fun, easy, and low-stress hobby. If that sounds like you, look for plants that don’t require lots of special care. Herbs like rosemary and thyme are great options — and can add some extra flavor to your food!

Create a terrarium.

Miniature gardens housed inside small, sealed containers like a bottle or jar, terrariums are an excellent choice for seniors. They’re easy to create and offer a creative outlet, as you can add decorative features like painted rocks or small sculptures. Plus, they’re a great home for moisture-loving plants like spider plants and nerve plants.

Consider sensory factors when picking plants.

Our senses are strongly connected to our memories, so planting a garden can be akin to building memory lane! Think about scent of course, but don’t forget about touch, taste, sound, and sight. Maybe the scent of sweet pea reminds you of your best friend. Maybe the feel of lamb’s ear makes you feel cozy and warm. Or perhaps the taste of basil reminds you of summer picnics. Whatever the case may be, take your senses into consideration!

Remember alternatives are available.

Don’t have space for a garden? Keep a couple potted plants on your windowsill. Not sure if you want to hold sole responsibility for a plant? Consider volunteering at a community garden or park. Simply looking to appreciate flowers without all the fuss of digging, watering, and worrying about sunlight? Take a trip to a botanical garden or even your local garden center. You can scratch the gardening itch in a variety of ways.


If you’re interested in easy gardening for seniors, we hope these tips help you get started. Gardening can be a restorative, calming, and even generous hobby, and we hope it brings a little extra joy to your day!

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