Connie Michaelis, Lifestyle Consultant for The Piper Assisted Living and Memory Support
In the book “The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry,” author Rachel Joyce tells the fictional story of a man named Harold Fry, who is making a pilgrimage on foot to see a dying friend. His journey is over 600 miles! It evolves into a story of transformation, not about his method of transportation! One particular line struck me, “now that he had accepted the slowness, he took pleasure in the distance he covered.” What a thought-provoking line as we apply it to aging. As our physical abilities change, we may have to consider what blessings are in disguise. Our culture thrives on the importance of speed, strength, brainpower, shrewdness, And, if we’re not careful, we may feel that as those attributes decline that we are left deficient. Nothing could be further from the truth; new opportunities arrive.
The unlikely philosopher, songwriter Mac Davis, wrote “Hey Mister, where you going in such a hurry, don’t you think it’s time you realized. There’s a whole lot more to life than work and worry. All the sweetest things in life are free. And they’re right before your eyes. You’ve got to stop and smell the roses. You’ve got to count your many blessings every day.” We have the opportunity to exchange speed and agility for characteristics such as: deliberateness, attentiveness, thoughtfulness and kindness. If we consider aging as a blessed time for refocus and reframing, we’ll be surprised with the joy that is created. There are some 80-year-olds that can run a marathon, but if your best is walking from your recliner to the bathroom…good for you! Take pleasure in the abilities you have. We can all walk 600 miles given the time. Who’s counting? The real goal is transformation into a considerate, deliberate and thoughtful person. Call us at The Piper 913.400.7006, where we are in the business of going slow!