Connie Michaelis, Lifestyle Consultant for The Piper Assisted Living and Memory Support
When you’re sick, do you automatically think about getting home as quickly as possible? When employees leave work because of illness, they want to go home to get better. We all want to crawl into our own bed, have a loved one bring us chicken soup, 7 Up and check on us frequently! When we are under the weather, we want the privacy and security of our own home. Heaven forbid that you get sick while traveling, the urgency to get home and return to familiar surroundings is overwhelming. When people are hospitalized for illness, the desire to get home to rest and recuperate is profound. And for the most part, home is the best place for recovery. Home is a place for healing, a place for comfort and complete respite.
There is a reason we call home ‘sweet.’ The psychological power of the place we call home is peculiar to each individual. It certainly is not the physical structure whether we live in a tent or a palace; it is a place of belonging. The dilemma Elders face today is that when they need home the most, they may be forced to live in a medical institution.
The Piper Assisted Living has answered that predicament with the creation of the household model. Seniors who need care, comfort, security and a place to heal can simply change their address and still be at home. The private apartments, family-style living and eating and small households of twenty people truly create a home. And when needed, the chicken soup, 7 Up and someone to check on you is right there. Be sure and contact us at 913.400.7006 for your free copy of ‘Home Sweet Home, Heartwarming Stories About the Importance of Home.”