Connie Michaelis, Marketing Consultant, The Piper Assisted Living and Memory Support
The first sentence of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted in 1948 by the United Nations reads, “Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world.” Those rights were attributed to, “all human beings regardless of their nation, location, language, religion, ethnic origin or any other status.” We continue to enlarge our thinking about those that are recognized as a protected group. Should ‘age’ be added to that list? Have you considered that the cultural attitudes and treatment of our Elders should fall under the classification of human rights?
The history of Senior care in the United States is not a glowing example of upholding human rights. We still have significant work to do to reform our system of caring for older adults – a system that in many ways still resembles the days of poor farms, old folk and convalescent homes. Most Seniors want to stay in their own home, even when they know it is not safe, because they assume they will lose their rights! The inherent rights to freedom, dignity, peace, hope and justice must be upheld wherever care is provided. The Piper has worked diligently to create an environment that respects the rights of our Elders. It is an all-encompassing philosophy that puts our residents, who we consider family, first in every decision. We have made a dramatic move away from a medical model that serves the healthcare providers, to a model that puts our Elders, and their inalienable human rights, at the forefront. Give us a call at 913.400.7006 to experience the difference.