Summer is many things – sunny, exciting, fun-filled – but it’s also undoubtedly hot. And believe it or not, the way our bodies age can make us more vulnerable to the effects of heat. The good news is that there are things you can do to mitigate those issues and get back to enjoying this time of year. Learn some summer health tips for seniors and you’ll be having fun in the sun again before you know it.
Stress Management for Seniors
Stress is an inescapable part of life. After all, it’s anything that causes a sense of hardship or strain, and very few people get through life without experiencing something that makes them feel pressured. Whether it’s thinking about friends or family members, managing your health, handling your finances, or dealing with change, there’s a good chance that something in your day will leave you feeling stressed. Thankfully, there’s no age limit on managing stress well. In fact, stress management for seniors can be highly effective.
Tips for Staying Positive
Are you a glass-half-full, happy-go-lucky, always-looking-at-the-bright-side sort of person? Few people truly are, it seems, and that’s okay! Being endlessly optimistic can be exhausting. But perhaps you would like a few handy tricks and tips for staying positive? That way, when life throws you a curveball, you can power through with resilience and hope.
Care Package Ideas for Seniors
Throughout the year, there are several days on which many people receive gifts from loved ones: birthdays, anniversaries, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Christmas, etc. While these days are convenient reminders to shower our loved ones with affection, sometimes it’s nice to surprise someone with a random care package. A care package is a parcel of gifts designed to comfort the recipient, and it’s typically sent to someone who lives far away from the gift giver. For example, many people send care packages to military members and college students. If you don’t live near a beloved friend or family member, why not send them a care package to let them know that you’re thinking about them? Below we’ve compiled a list of care package ideas for seniors.
The Many Reasons to Love Spring
While some literal-minded souls may watch the calendar for spring’s official first day, most people have an unofficial way that they keep an eye out for the start of spring. Bird lovers insist that the season starts when the first robin alights on their bird feeder. People with green thumbs wait until the danger of frost has passed or a favorite spring blossom bursts into color. Fans of warmer weather watch the readings on their thermometers climb. Why are there so many different ways that people are eager to welcome the season? It’s a sign of the many reasons to love spring.
Healthy Morning Habits for Seniors
There’s nothing better than starting your day with a productive, cheery morning that gives you motivation and optimism for the hours ahead. If you spend your morning yawning and wishing you could go back to sleep, you may need to adjust your bedtime and your bedtime routine to get higher quality sleep. But assuming you’re getting enough sleep each night, why not spend a little time developing healthy morning habits? Several simple tips can help you nourish your body and mind as the sun rises.
Health Benefits of Coffee
Have you ever felt guilty for enjoying a cup of coffee (or two, or three) each morning? Although there are certainly drawbacks to drinking lots of caffeine and you should always follow your doctor’s advice first, coffee does offer many perks. Whether you prefer an iced latté, a creamy cappuccino, or plain black coffee, scroll down to explore the health benefits of coffee.
The Easiest Houseplants to Grow
Houseplants are often beautiful, but did you know that they can also improve your mental and physical well-being? Indoor plants can remove toxins and pollutants from the air, increase humidity, provide you with a sense of accomplishment, and help you de-stress. Even if you don’t have the greenest of thumbs or you were scarred in the past by a short-lived fern, we promise that you can raise a gorgeous houseplant. You just need to choose a no-fuss plant that doesn’t require any pampering. Scroll down to explore some of the easiest houseplants to grow.